Frequently Asked Questions

Have a question about us or our websites? You might not be the only one! Here are some topics we're frequently asked about. Contact us if you don't find what you're looking for.

We set up your site with a personalized dashboard via Google Analytics. You'll receive a monthly, emailed report and a personalized login to access your analytics in real-time.

The personalized dashboard provides a number of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), and we apply various filters to ensure that the numbers you see reflect actual users visiting your site, rather than bots or invalid users in other countries. If you choose a Gold or greater package, you'll also see Click & Event tracking statistics (similar to the screenshot below):

  • Number of organic visitors(visitors referred by unpaid search engine listings
  • Top 7 visitor locations
  • Top 7 landing pages & how long visitors stay
  • Top 7 exit pages
  • Number of visits by device (desk, mobile, tablet)
  • Average visit duration
  • Average pages per visit
  • Number of site visits broken down by day
  • Search engine source breakdown
  • Referral websites
  • Bounce Rate (% of visitors who navigate away from the site after viewing one page)
  • New & returning visitor numbers
Example Monthly Analytics Report with Click/Event Tracking
Click/Event Tracking is only abvailable with Gold and Platinum subscription packages.

google analytics report with click/event tracking

We know time is tight, so when you subscribe to a Silver+ package or above, we feed high quality, peer-reviewed educational content into your site on a weekly basis, which is then posted to your social of choice, creating a link directly back to your website! Our Silver package clients benefit from our exclusive weekly content as well. You'll get an email with the content, which you can manually add to your website or social if you'd like.

As you are the expert of your own practice marketing, we leave the personalized blog and social posts up to you. Our support team is here to help if you have questions about how to add content to your site.

automatic, convenient posting to blog and social

Google has so many ever-changing tools, it's hard keeping them all straight! Google My Business is a very important component to your local search visibility though. In fact, it's been said to account for almost 30% of ranking visibility! From verification to optimization, we can help.

we offer Google My Business assistance

If you've ever tried to keep up on Search Engine Optimization (SEO), you'll know that it's a moving target. Google and other search engines are constantly updating their algorithms to take into account new information regarding your presence online.

While we keep up with the latest developments, there are some tried and true, solid fundamentals that we apply to each and every one of our client's sites.

Baseline, On-Site SEO With All Designs
At EyeMotion™, we include a solid level of on-site SEO for each and every website we build:
  • Google Analytics setup w/ personalized, spam-segmented monthly report

    We believe in showing clients what is really happening with their site. To this end, when a site goes live, we setup Google Analytics with helpful key performance indicators (SEE RELATED FAQ), and filter out spam, bots, out-of-country hits, even hits from the EyeMotion IP, which would artificially inflate visitor data. Clients then receive an emailed report at the beginning of each month and can login at any time to see real-time activity.

  • Validated Local Business JSON-LD schema

    This is a special block of code we create uniquely for each of our clients. It helps search engines understand your site even better, in order to better serve up results to people searching for optometrists, etc. in your area.

  • Google Search Console Setup

    Google's Search Console works in tandem with Google Analytics to help analyze site indexing status as well as website visibility to search engines.

  • Dynamic XML & HTML sitemap

    We make sure that each site has both a user-friendly and machine-friendly sitemap. We upload the specific machine-friendly dynamic xml sitemap (which means it updates automatically each time a new page is added to the site) to Google's Search Console in order to help the search engine index the site optimally.

  • Default easy-to-update Blog

    We build an easily updateable blog into each client site and provide training on how to use it. A blog is important to SEO because search engines love to see that your site has fresh content. Google crawls your posts and takes them into account when delivering search results to patients and potential patients.

  • Default responsive, mobile-friendly site

    Our sites are mobile-friendly (and pass Google's Mobile Friendly Test), which make them easy for users to read and interact with on small screens.

  • Search engines like speed, therefore we keep this in mind when designing a site
  • Highly Readable, Keyword Rich Content

    We've made sure the text included with your site follows GOOGLE'S QUALITY GUIDELINES. In order to make your site stand out from competitors, we encourage editing this content to reflect individual practices, and adding pages for specialty services, unique products, payment offerings, insurances accepted, etc.

  • Keyword Focused Title Tags

    TITLE TAGS are the main headline of a web page. Title elements have long been considered one of the most important on-page SEO elements, and appear in three key places: browsers, search engine results pages (as the headings first encountered when you do a search for anything online), and external websites.

  • Unique, Readable Meta Data Descriptions
  • Search Engine Friendly (SEF) URL's

    Each of our site's web pages has a link that looks something like this: This way of organizing sites is preferred by search engines and humans alike because it makes understanding a site easier.

  • Appropriate 301 redirects

    These redirects ensure that users and search engines are directed to the correct web page. When we redo a client's site, we make an inventory of the original site pages, then use 301 redirects to make sure the old pages go to relevant new pages, helping mitigate drops in rankings. We also use 301 redirects to consolidate various versions of a site and point related domains.

  • Image Alt Tags
  • Appropriate h1, h2, h3 Header Tags

If you choose to use all of our customizable text, that brings the site up to about 20, plus or minus a few depending on the service pages you wish to include. We’ll format the pages for you and make sure things look good. You are able, however, to add an almost unlimited number of additional pages. We’ll show you how and get you started!

Adding slideshows, fancy product line pages, additional practice location pages for practices with multiple locations, sliding tab modules, and changing the scope of the project after signing off on the mockup are some examples. Talk with us about specific questions you might have. And don’t worry—you’ll never receive any unexpected charges.

Twenty pages of text, a blog, custom email addresses, contact form, links to 3rd party resources such as Demand Force or OfficeMate forms, on-site SEO, Google Analytics reports, and more. Have a question? Just ask us!

Easy! Just call or email your project manager, who will quickly get it set up for you.

Yes! We've been helping optometrists with their digital presence for almost 20 years, and we've learned a few things during this time. We try to stay atop of web and SEO trends and developments, and would like you to know that we can be a wealth of resources for you if have any questions. While we may not be a specialist in a particular area that you're concerned with, we can point you in the right direction to get expert help.

We have your best interests in mind and want you to think of us first when you have a question.