New Marketing / Educational Content from Dr. Wnorowski and Team

Now that we include educational content you can use for blogs, social media, and newsletters in most of our EyeMotion subscription packages, we’ve had our eyes open for quality content written by eyecare professionals. We’d been watching the blog written by EyeMotion website client Dr. Brian Wnorowski and his Shore Eye Associate team and were impressed by their informative, easy-to-read content. And so…

…we’re excited to announce that much of this content will be available for you in selected EyeMotion subscription packages!

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New Hosting / Subscription Packages for a Changing Business World

Let’s face it—today’s business world is a lot different than it was just a few years ago, and a big part of the change is in the number of communication channels you’re expected to navigate while still running your practice. We know it can be challenging to keep your website, social media, and newsletters up-to-date, while still caring for your patients—

--which is why we’ve added some new features to our packages, in addition to creating new packages.

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National Doughnut Day

You might not have know it, but today is a pretty sweet holiday--NATIONAL DOUGHNUT DAY!  Being in the eyecare industry, this holiday has symbolic significance for us--after all, what other delicious treat can be so easily transformed into a pair of yummy glasses?  So join in the celebration, and make a spectacle of yourself by making spectacles for yourself.

We'd love to see your new look!  Why not snap a picture and share with us on Facebook?

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